Tuesday 15 June 2021

Change CPU Paste Every 5 Years

 Use the HWMONITOR from CPU-Z software to monitor your PC.


This is the best and most reliable. HWINFO is not.

If the CPU temperatures are above 90 degree Celsium, you should open the heat sink and replace the heat paste. I used the Arctic MX4, which is economical. I have used it for years, servicing more than 10 CPUs already.

Arctic-MX-4 Thermal 

I noticed that my old PCs and Notebooks become slower after more than 5 years. I thought it was due to insufficient RAM as new programs get larger. When I started using the HWMONITOR software to monitor temperatures, I realised that CPU cannot have temperatures of more than 90 degrees C most of the time.

I used HWINFO earlier. It has lots of functions but the sensors readings sometimes cannot be displayed.

HWMONITOR only monitors  the sensors but do not give data on the other computer components. You can use CPU-Z from the same developer, CPU-ID.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Windows 10 setup has failed to validate the product key


It worked. I used 7zip to extra the iso file

If all of the above-mentioned attempts don’t work, we could try the following fix. However, doing so involves a clean install of the system so it is advisable to backup your data well in advance.
1] Extract the ISO file using Ashampoo ZIP free decompression software.
2] Open a Notepad file and copy-paste the following content in it:
Windows 10 setup has failed to validate the product key
3] Save this Notepad file by the name ei.cfg to the Sources folder inside the setup ISO file.
4] Run the setup.exe file to start the installation wizard. You could also try making a bootable USB out of the file and run that USB for a repair or re-install.

How to activate Windows 10 for free?


You can do this in a number of ways. I found the batch file technique really fast. You just create a .bat file and run it as administrator. You then restart your computer and bim-bada-boom.
I’m telling you the fastest way to install and activate your Windows 10 without any activation key. However, it’s so simple that even a kindergarten kid could do this.
  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Paste the code provided below.
  3. Save the file as a .bat file.
  4. Run the file as administrator.
  5. Restart your PC.

How to fix Windows 10 stuck at 25% installation or error 0xC1900101 - 0x20004


I am testing it now. Hopefully it works.

Saturday 29 August 2015

Do not buy Asus Motherboards and other products also

I bought an ASUS motherboard M5A97R2, for AMD 3+ processors. I managed to install it only after 7 days but found it to be faulty. The sam fault reported in the internet, where the B memory channel cannot be used. Because it was already 7 days the shop, ACI Technology at Karamunsing Complex, does not replace the motherboard, instead send it for repair or whatnot. ASUS sent a replacement after 2 weeks, after complaining. Although the motherboard is different, the fault is even worse. ASUS must have replaced the motherboard with another one which was returned because they were faulty, hoping that customers made mistakes in testing the motherboards. Just imagine buying the expensive, full of features, ASUS motherboards. Make sure you can test all the features on the very first day you buy the product. Otherwise you will get the same treatment. Sold with faulty products and when found faulty to be replaced by more faulty products.

I don't understand why ASUS has to do this. We buy ASUS at premium prices, more than 10% higher than competing products, like Gigabyte and MSI, with similar warranty,which is 3 years. I bought a lot of ASUS motherboards but most had become faulty after the warranty period of 3 years. Whereas my one Gigabyte motherboard is still working well after more than 3 years. It was heavily used by my sons for playing games and I thought the Gigabyte motherboard was faulty but was actually the power supply was the one which was faulty, a Cooler Master power supply.

The lesson is very clear. Never trust a brand name. Just look at the warranty. If the warranty is similar, their quality should be similar. For example an MSI motherboard with the same specs as the ASUS M5a97 motherboard costs RM300 whereas the ASUS costs RM350. They have the same warrant period of 3 years. Their quality should be similar.

One thing is certain. I will not buy from ASUS any more. Not even their notebooks. I am happy with Lenovo despite being 50% cheaper than ASUS heavy and overpriced gaming notebooks. It may become faulty within the 2 year waranty period but  at least they are cheaper. With the ASUS, you are stuck with heavy and overpriced products that can also become faulty as shown by my experiences.

Better try other brands such as Gigabyte and MSI that are getting well known for producing reliable products despite looking so simple and therefore light and cheap. The problem could be due to the low quality of multi-layer motherboards used by ASUS. ASUS components are of good quality but if their motherboards become faulty, these components become useless also.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Installing Windows 10 on Teclast X98 and X89 tablets

These are tablet with chinese versions of Windows 8.1 but can be upgraded to Windows 10 but still with chinese versions. Fortunately they are multi-language versions of Windows so that we can select our language of choice. In changing the languages you must change at 3 different places. Display language is the most important but not sufficient because I already got the display to English Malaysia and yet I still got problems with so many chinese characters. Removing the entire chinese character support also failed.

It is best if you have a working Windows 11 in the correct language so that you can tell the menu structure and use a translater to show the chinese character versions of the required words. I got my Toshiba nb305 upgraded to Windows 10 so it was much easier. Surprising the first Teclast table that I upgraded, the X89, had English menu options so that it was easy for me to change the language settings. Not for the other X98.

Also one Teclast X89, with ID: E6ED, still cannot be upgraded to Windows 10. Only reserved. Just wait.

Even it the Teclast X98 Air II 3G, with only 800Mbyte of disk space, can still be upgraded because I had installed a 64Gbyte microSD memory card.

Wednesday 19 August 2015