Monday 17 August 2015

Cloning creates update problem

update error 8020000E
When i am trying to install the vista sp1 then i am getting error 8020000E. Please can someone guide me to remove this error
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Hi guynextdoor_86,

Thanks for posting to Microsoft Windows Vista Communities site.

Windows Update Error 0x8020000E

The definition of error code 0x8020000E is as follows:

BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED - The destination volume has changed. If the disk is removable, it might have been replaced with a different disk. Reinsert the original disk and resume the job.

This can happen if partitioning has been changed, resized, cloned, or otherwise modified. To resolve this problem attempt clearing the Windows Update cache, and then Check for updates again.

How to clear the Windows Update cache…
1.     Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and select Run as Administrator.
2.     Click Continue or provide Administrator credentials as needed.
3.     In the Command Prompt window type the following and press Enter after each line:
net stop wuauserv
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.OLD
net start wuauserv
4.     Now click Start, click All Programs, and then Windows Update.
5.     Then click Check for updates, and attempt reinstalling the failed update.

If the issue remains after the above troubleshooting…

Should the issue persist after this troubleshooting I recommend that you try updating the Windows Update Agent. If you click on the link you will find the download(s) towards the bottom of the page. You will need to identify your respective Operating System and architecture prior to selecting your download – all the information necessary is contained in the article.

After, the installation is complete I would recommend that you redo the steps outlined in How to clear the Windows Update cache, and then reboot your system. After the system restarts check for updates, and then see if the issue is now resolved.

Should you encounter any problems or have any questions please feel free to let the community know. However, if you do receive any errors please be sure to thoroughly document them, and include the in your reply.

Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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45 people found this helpful
Grant420 replied on
Thank you, the above solution solved this same problem for me on a Windows 7 x64 system.
7 people found this helpful
Mac-hater93 replied on
Thanks, this method solved my problem too.
1 person found this helpful
M Husken replied on
Me too solved it on my Win7, thanks!!
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Bowdenk replied on
It worked for me as well. I am using the "subst" command in the startup folder to show a folder as a drive, and that probably caused the error. I removed the command temporarily, followed Debbie's instructions, update installed ok, and then re-established my subst command. All well. Thank you.
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A. User replied on

You may try this VB script that does most of the Windows Update Troubleshooting steps on its own.


Thanks and Regards,

HackSys Team - Panthera
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ElShotte replied on
I received this error in Windows 7 Ultimate x64 after converting my C drive to a Dynamic Disk. The above method fixed the issue and I am currently installing updates.

Thank You.
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tlim_ replied on
I have the same problem on my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits. The "How to clear the Windows Update cache..." works for me. Don't even have to update the Windows Update Agent.
Million Thanks....
3 people found this helpful
mbswade replied on
Worked great on a Windows Server 2008 R2

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ghanieagle replied on
great it works man!!!!!!
thanks alot
1 person found this helpful

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