Monday 10 August 2015

Front Panel of Intel's PC

I am ordering a front panel for my PC. It has an ASUS M5A97 motherboard. It has lots of connectors on board that I cannot use. I need to order a front panel to make use of them. It costs me RM90.

Hopefully it is worth it.
At the moment I have to many wires connected to the back of my PC. USB 3 cables are expensive, at RM30 each. It is better to get this front panel. It will make our PC tidier.

You can get the full specs from this site.
It is called
Front Panel I/O Connectivity Design Guide by Intel.
 I got it from a discussion of the AC97 vs HD Audio.

I actually order another 3.5in panel with HD Audio because my motherboard supports HD Audio but my casing only suports AC97.
I thought it makes a difference in the quality of sound. It should not. The difference is only in the sensing of the types of connectors.
The difference between AC'97 and Intel HD front panel connections is mainly in that: AC'97 uses 'normally closed' switch for return/sense whereas Intel HD uses 'normally open' switch. So its in the jack and not the wiring. You will have to use different jacks to get auto sense working properly.

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